Divine Nobodies is a modern twist on new age spirituality, hosted by Eric Ajna. Intertwined between the polarity realms of our world, here we explore how thought provoking wisdom and soul expanding knowledge can be used in our every day life and heard from the voices of regular every day people in the spiritual community. From urban yogis, to modern mystics, here we explore how we can integrate and apply new age thought to our own spiritual and emotional development. Weekly interviews with social media influencers, astrologers, life coaches, light workers etc. Special segments relating to well being, emotional health, self help and relationships.

Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
The Beauty Of Your Own Experience + The Non Linear Path Of Exploration
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
Tuesday Jan 16, 2024
It seems the deeper we go into our beingness, the more challenging it becomes to actually talk about God with any level of conviction, knowing how ephemeral words can be in attempting to illuminate the absolute. To be honest, the deeper I fall into my own stillness, the less I feel compelled to talk about it. After all, how can we clearly point to that which has no defined and conclusive destination. Of course, that doesn’t mean to lay down our spiritual tools and give up the search altogether. Perhaps a better more productive way of approaching this path, is to renounce the idea of their being a teacher responsible for taking us there. After all, a teacher can only speak from their experience, which ultimately isn’t your experience.
However, this understanding can be a great equalizer in the realm of enlightenment because it shows us that we are all capable of arriving to the same destination, though through different means of exploration. The beautiful thing about the spiritual journey is how it allows us to gain insight from each other. Though, not as teachers, but as explorers on the quest for truth. An honest seeker isn’t looking for instructions to follow. They aren’t looking for methods to borrow of someone else’s experience. What a seeker searches for, is a light to help illuminate their path. Ultimately, once it’s lit, it is their responsibility to carry on walking. Fundamentally, that is the responsibility we have as a community. To walk each other home. My goal for Divine Nobodies in 2024, is to create a space where we can transcend the linear and predictable paths of “how to’s”, and instead create a space where we can reflect on the more experiential qualities in life. After all, that is where we place our spirituality into practice.
In this episode I reflect on my current motivation with Divine Nobodies, and the future ahead for the podcast.
- Renouncing linear teachings
- No beginning or end to source
- The meaningless mantra
- No student or guru
- Beware of fake gurus
- Spirituality cannot be bought
- My journey
- Divine Nobodies 2024
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Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
What We Get Wrong About Meditation + Silence Is Not The Absence Of Sound
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
The benefits of meditation most certainly can’t be under estimated. It is one of the most potent tools we have in grounding a busy mind and calming the restless thoughts that we carry with us in life. It is estimated that 2 - 500 million people meditate around the world, and its popularity continues to grow as we fall deeper into the Kali Yuga era of time, where it seems imperative that we find strategies to cope with the often unforgiving consequences of our continued descent into the collective shadow. One thing is definitely certain; meditation helps many and has the potential to juristically alter the way in which we perceive the world outside; that is of course, if we are doing it correctly.
Just as with anything, the more popular something becomes, the more of a tendency we have to trivialize the sanctity of sacred practices like meditation, and a few hundred meditation apps later, we have a global industry worth an estimated 522.21 million and no shortage of instructional content there to guide us on our journey. It can be difficult to witness how much of a spectacle its become. It can be even more difficult to witness so many organizations using meditation as a way to sell products or promote services. And while we certainly can’t limit the momentum of this machine, what we can do is ensure that we understand the most important elements of this practice as to not lose site of the sacred principles that exists within meditation.
Although I may sound a bit cynical when speaking of our western societies proclivity towards culturally appropriating eastern spiritual practices for their own benefit; it’s with good reason. Much of what true meditation teaches us seems to work in direct contradiction to how our western society approaches the practice all together. Instead of leaning into the simplicity of eastern stillness, they lean more into the complexity of western mind, which contributes to more of the same confusion around meditation.
The truth is, there is nothing complex or complicated about meditation. In fact, it’s so simple that we often have difficulty accepting the simplicity of it. Hence our need to seek results that can somehow improve our lives both emotionally and monetarily. Otherwise, perhaps it’s not worth our time and effort.
It can be difficult to sell something simple, but it can be quite lucrative if our goal is to sell a lifestyle aimed at wellness. That isn’t to say that meditation won’t improve your life. It certainly can. But the most potent aspect of the practice isn’t about how peaceful meditation can make you. It’s more about relearning something that should already come across as second nature to you. More than anything, the practice is about awakening this dormant energy in us so that we no longer need apps, programs, courses and books to show us what we already know. In this way, we can live life in meditation and not just commit to 20 minutes or so on a Thursday morning. Instead of practicing meditation, we become meditative.
In any case, whether meditation is a simple practice for you, or whether its part of a carefully curated lifestyle that you live, we can all benefit from understanding meditation in a way that can add a beautiful quality to our lives. The best place to start is by investigating ourselves, how we think, what we believe and the expectations we approach this practice with. Join me as we explore this practice together.
In this episode I discuss,
- Adyashanti’s Perspective On Meditation
- The Singular Approach Of The Seeker
- How Expectations Eclipse Our Ability To See Clearly
- What We Get Wrong About Meditation
- Investigating The Ego
- The Nature Of Awareness
- How To Shift Our Perception In Meditation
- Silence Is Not The Absence Of Sound
- The Nature Of Acceptance And Surrender
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Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Why We Romanticize Toxic Relationships + The Trauma Of Codependency
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
The connection between codependency and relationships is something I’ve contemplated for many years. Primarily due to my own experience in relationships being a codependent in the past, but also being a significant other to many codependent partners. If you’ve ever had the unique opportunity to be either of these individuals, than you know how heartbreaking it can be to love someone to the extent that you lose yourself in the relationship, or love someone so wounded that they have an inability love you in a healthy way. At this time in our world, it doesn’t seem too far of a stretch to conclude that we live in a wildly codependent society, not just in relationships to people, but in our inward striving towards pleasure, fame and the perpetual need for a constant distraction to pull us away from our own deep spiritual inquiry.
While the pursuit of happiness does appear to be a normalized part of our culture, we seldom explore the deeper implications of where these needs arise from. Of course, there are healthy pursuits driven by the most powerful elements of self love, though what happens when our striving for happiness comes from the shadows of our own personal trauma? It’s a difficult question to explore, and an even difficult quality to identify in ourselves. Though, one thing we can all relate to on our journey, is the need for love.
Whether a child or an adult, we all have a natural affinity towards connection with our external environment. While a child seeks the love of their parent, an adult seeks the love of a friend or partner, and so the need for a healthy symbiosis between them seems imperative to live a meaningful and happy life. Though, what happens when our most basic human needs aren’t met when we’re young, and how does this influence the ways in which we seek love as we get older? Without positive and healthy role models to teach us about healthy love, it seems we become vulnerable to many things that prevent us from finding this healthy connection with others.
As we get older we may find ourselves in emotionally/physically abusive relationships where we’re unconsciously reliving the traumas of our childhood, expecting to receive love from people that have an inability to love us in a healthy, consistent and balanced way. We may find ourselves seeking their approval and receiving constant rejection instead. The blow this instability causes to our self esteem can’t be under estimated. Especially since toxic relationships appear more normalized in our culture today. Of course, the most practical approach would be to distance ourselves from these types of partners, however many of us find it difficult to detach from the intermittent reinforcement we receive from unstable partnerships, and there are several reasons for this.
In this episode I will explore the question of why we continue to pursue toxic partners, by exploring my own personal experiences growing up as a child and how my upbringing influenced the types of relationships I brought into my life as an adult.
In this episode I discuss,
- How Childhood Trauma Effects Our Perception Of Love
- The Role Of Disassociation In Trauma
- Why We Romanticize Unhealthy Relationships
- Codependents And Narcissists
- Love As A Means Of Escape
- Why Toxic Partners Can’t Love Us
- How To Break The Cycle Of Abusive Relationships
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Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
The Archetypal Journey Through The 7 Chakras
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
There are many elements built into the foundation of the spiritual journey that seem to slowly unravel over time. Quickly we learn how imperative it is that we understand, not only the eternal nature of spirit, but the inner workings of how the mind and body are interwoven into the new age phenomenon we all know as spiritual evolution. Often it’s the mystical things that draw our attention first. Spontaneous moments of unadulterated bliss and the idea of a sleeping serpent known as the kundalini laying dormant in our bodies, just waiting to shoot our egos out of a cannon directly into the unknown. I mean who wouldn’t want to be happy all the time without the patronizing watchtower of organized religion taking all the credit for it. Seeking our own inward wisdom is certainly a far cry from the western programming of dogmatic christianity we’ve all grown up with. Perhaps the most profound aspect of eastern spirituality is that it allows us the opportunity to grow independent of the ephemeral father figure we all know as the christian God; and with this newfound freedom to evolve in a way that is comfortable for us, it can be really exciting to touch on the sacred teachings of Hinduism or Buddhism.
One of the most common teachings we come across on our journey is that of the Chakras; and as popular as this system of spirituality tends to be, it can also be one of the most ambiguous. People tend to approach the system of chakras one of two ways. One, tends to be used as a diagnostic tool to help us determine what areas of life we need to focus our energy on. The other, is in understanding the chakra system as a fundamental blue print of a spirits journey in this life. Both schools of thought are collectively true, though too often we can get caught up in using the chakra system in a trivial way that denotes a more superficial desire to control various elements of our lives; and if we aren’t careful, we can become overly identified with the egos game of diagnosing energetic blocks in our chakras, and end up tirelessly trying to resolve ourselves of these blocks. It can become a vicious cycle.
In episode, I want to introduce the chakras in a way that may be a bit more foundational than just 7 energetic spheres we all know as the root, sacral, solar, heart, throat, third eye, crown and their symbolic attributes.
In this episode, I discuss,
- The Nature and Meaning of The 7 Chakras
- Ego vs. Spirits Interpretation of The 7 Chakras
- A Diagnostic Tool or a Spiritual Roadmap?
- The Spirits Archetypal Evolution Through The Chakras
- The Journey Towards Enlightenment
- Mystical States And The Ego
- Spiritual Elitism - A Hindrance To Truth
- The Ego And Astral Projection
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Tuesday May 23, 2023
A Healers Journey Into Ayurveda + Shannon Mcinteer
Tuesday May 23, 2023
Tuesday May 23, 2023
I’ve met many healers along my path in spirituality. Many in which reside within this extended family of practitioners attempting to bring a bit more softness, love and healing into our shared communities. In Los Angeles, it’s not uncommon for us to collaborate on workshops and healing events together, and in doing so cultivate lasting friendships with those we can share our journeys with. I met Shannon several years ago during a time in which sound bath events were quickly gaining momentum, and amongst this evolution, lasting friendships were formed around the mission of bringing sound healing into the lives of anyone open to receiving it.
The beautiful thing about sound healing is that every practitioner brings their own unique set of gifts and talents to it, and because of this, opens the door to an infinite well spring of knowledge and wisdom we can learn from each other. Shannon has always been a part of that community, and thus a part of my journey as well.
Shannon has always been a pure, soft and yet powerful presence in the community and in my life. She has a passion for helping others in a way that is truly inspirational and can be seen in how adept she is in learning and growing as a healer. Not only is she a sound healer, but is also a yoga teacher, Reiki master and an Ayurvedic practitioner with the edge of being able to facilitate her practice in hospital settings around California.
In this episode, we dive deep into the realms of her practice and get a bit more familiar with the eastern system of medicine called Ayurveda.
In this episode we discuss,
- Our Sound Bath’s at Bhakti Fest
- Navigating The Pandemic As A Healer
- What Is Sound Healing?
- Shannon’s Journey In Spirituality
- Alternative Medicine Entering Modern Healthcare
- What Is Ayurveda?
- How Ayurveda Affects Diet and Health.
- What Are The Dosha's in Ayurveda?
- The Power Of Plants
Guest Bio: Shannon Mcinteer, owner of Om Shanti Offerings, is a holistic health and wellness practitioner with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. She is a certified Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, Sound Healer, Reiki Master, and Board-certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, recognized by the National Ayurvedic Medical Association.
Guest Website : omshantiofferings.com
Guest IG: omshantiofferings
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Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Monday Apr 03, 2023
Returning To The Innocence Of Being + Reflections On The Pandemic
Monday Apr 03, 2023
Monday Apr 03, 2023
It’s surreal to think that it’s been three years since the pandemic started. It’s even more disorienting to reminisce about how different the world was than in contrast to now; and although many have collectively adjusted to the changes in daily life, one thing is definitely certain; the pandemic changed the way in which we see the world and how we see ourselves. Whether these changes came as a result of losing someone we loved, falling ill from the virus, or feeling through all of the unexpected changes in the way that we lived life, it seems that we were all collectively faced with the reckoning of a type of dark night of the soul experience…at a global level.
Almost overnight, the many conveniences and societal norms we had grown accustomed to co existing with were no longer available to us. And while I won’t list all the ways in which we were negatively impacted, what seemed absolutely clear from the spiritual perspective, is that many of us were grieving the loss of certain parts of ourselves that we weren’t prepared to let go ; at least in the beginning.
One of the greatest teachings of the pandemic was helping to illuminate how dependent we were on the world outside. It showed us how strongly we identified with certain roles and images we had in society and how reliant we were on maintaining these images and roles we played. And as challenging of a situation it was, It allowed us a deeply profound and rare opportunity to sit with ourselves and re evaluate how we had been living our lives. It allowed us the ability to re evaluate how we see ourselves, how we see relationships, how we see others and how we see the world. Of course, not everyone took this opportunity. Though for many, it became one of the most powerful catalysts for spiritual awakening.
Often when we think of awakening, we conjure up expectations filled with fluffy new age ideas and beliefs. Though, enlightenment is much more subtle than momentary experiences of divine insight or blissful moments. We find that it’s not so much about experiences, but experience itself. We find that it has more to do with subtraction and less to do with addition. It’s reminiscent of the conversation between Willy Wonka and Charlie Bucket at the end of the movie where grandpa Joe asks “When does Charlie get the lifetime supply of chocolate?" and Willy Wonka says “You get nothing…..you lose!" This may sound like a bad deal to some, though let’s not forget, Charlie ended up being awarded the entire chocolate factory! It’s kind of like that! Though in enlightenment, what we lose is our identification with form, and as a result, gain the entire universe!
In this episode, I reflect on my thoughts about the pandemic and the journey we all go through in becoming a person. I'll discuss,
- My Recent Interaction With A Family Physician
- Reflections On The Pandemic
- How Society Changed During The Pandemic
- The Collective Dark Night Of The Soul
- Dissolving The Roles & Images Of Ego
- The Journey In Becoming A Person
- The Journey Back Home To The Heart
- Returning To Innocence
- My Experience Working In Elderly Care
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Finding Stillness In Nature | The Art Of Seeing Things As They Are + Eric Ajna
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
Saturday Feb 25, 2023
I’ve always had an affinity to quiet spaces in nature. Of course many people do, and for their own reasons. Though, have you ever felt the presence of a quiet space without the many distractions that tend to keep our attention bound to certain stories we have circulating in the mind at all times?
Many people love being in nature for the simple fact that it provides us with a certain type of perspective. Typically the perspective is that of escaping the clutches of a chaotic world which provokes feelings of anxiety in us. We hear that often right, “I love nature because it allows me to escape the static and noise of my job, my life, or my career”. Though we seldom contemplate whether escaping is the most constructive thing we can do in nature.
The truth is, we can escape, though only for short periods of time until we have to return to the chaos and slowly assimilate into the person we were before. And although there seems to great peace in temporarily escaping the burdens in life, we are seldom concerned with the temporary respite as long as we have those few moments to pretend that everything is ok.
Though, what If there was another way for us to experience nature that wasn't wrapped up in stories we have about what it is, how it should feel and what it means for us to be there? What if there was another way for us to experience the vastness of this space we call life? This episode is about the art of truly experiencing life "as it is", and not as "we are".
In this episode I discuss,
- Finding Peace And Solitude In An Electric Motorcycle
- The Various Ways In Which Ego Experiences Nature
- Nature : The Ultimate Training Ground For Awareness
- How Ego Is Influenced By Its Environment
- Our Partial Commitment To Meditation
- Seeing vs. One Who Sees
- Experiencing The Unknowable Realms Of The Infinite
- The Art of Seeing Things As They Are
- The Voice Of Ego In Nature
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Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Illuminating The Inner Workings Of The Ego + Eric Ajna
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Thursday Feb 02, 2023
Have you ever tried to invoke a feeling of love in something you knew in your heart you didn’t feel love for? Though, despite the conviction you’d feel over this absence of feeling, you’d still push forward in expressing a type of love that felt true to others, but not at all true to yourself.
I’ve always found it fascinating how we tend to embody two polar opposite and contradictory sides of ourselves at all times. We can keep friends we secretively despise, yet on the surface behave in such a way that implied how much we truly care about them at the same time. We can tell our partners how truly happy we are with them while at the same time longing for the touch of another person. Of course, when we reflect on this quality of behavior in others, it’s easy for us to access a type of moral compass and judge this as irrational and perhaps even erratic behavior. The part we often overlook is how we unconsciously buy into this same form of neurosis in how we live our lives. It’s fairly easy for humans to notice these patterns in others because we live in a society that appears to normalize this system of projection towards others, but avoidance of self at the same time.
The truth is, we all do it. Some of it can be innocent, but often times it’s a system we’ve designed to protect us from being hurt or feeling pain both inwardly and outwardly. There seems to be too much of a risk in committing to the vulnerability of our own authenticity, that we would rather fabricate an identity that is often nothing like who we actually are inside. Thus the ego is born.
At this point, you’ve probably gathered how passionate I am about illuminating the inner workings of the ego. I’ve spent years in the spiritual community hearing all about why we should eradicate it from our lives, though I would rarely hear about how it actually works. I would rarely hear about the ways in which it influences our inner world. It’s a complex journey to understand for sure, though it may be the most important journey to explore if the hope is to develop a different relationship to it. Perhaps if we committed to understanding the inner workings of ego, we’d then realize how impossible it is to eradicate it from our lives. This episode is a reflection on the journey in understanding what many people consider the enemy; the ego.
In this episode I discuss,
- The Realm Of Artificial Intelligence
- Humanities Fear Of Experiencing God
- The Many Faces of Ego
- Ego vs. Spirit
- How Ego Obscures The Heart
- Believing What We Don’t Really Feel
- How Surrender Leads To Awakening
- The Illusion Of Self Improvement
- The Distraction Of Belief
- The YOU That Doesn’t Exist
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Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Thursday Dec 29, 2022
The End Of Your World + How Life Changes After Awakening
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
Thursday Dec 29, 2022
At the beginning of every spiritual journey, we often approach the idea of enlightenment with magical thinking. Our understanding of the process starts off as a type of grandiose experience only meant to be encountered by the most dedicated of sages. When we think of enlightenment, we think of the Sri Ramana Maharshi’s, the Sidddhartha Gautama’s and the Paramahansa Yogananda’s of the world. Typically they’re stories we read in any number of spiritual self help books.
Theres a certain mystical quality to the idea of a spiritual awakening that grabs our attention. We hear stories of transcendent experiences often sharing a close resemblance to the most psychedelic of experiences we’ve had. Though, spiritual awakening is far more profound than one single moment of pure bliss. One thing we learn along our path is how deeply personal and subjective many of these experiences can be. With good reason of course. It would be silly to limit the vastness of God to one linear moment of transcendence.
Perhaps this is the most beautiful thing about spiritual awakening. It can come as both an explosion and a subtle spark from within. It can come quietly when you least expect it or it can come like an avalanche we see drifting towards us in the distance.
However your awakening graces you in your life, one thing is certain ; It does something to our spirit that calls for us to rethink our role in the whole game we’ve been playing. Spiritual awakening is a beautifully chaotic process of unfolding, however the most profound and lasting impact it makes on our life falls within the realm of our relationships and how they change through the process. As bittersweet as it may be to let go of parts of ourselves in the process. A part of that letting go also means letting go of those in our life we no longer feel in resonance with. In this episode, we discuss how spiritual awakening alters our life and the people in it.
In this episode we discuss,
- Jenn’s Trip To Burning Man
- What is Enlightenment?
- How Enlightenment Changes Us
- Stories Of Spiritual Awakening
- The Paradox Of Spiritual Awakening
- How Our Life Changes After Awakening
- How Our Relationships Change
- The Intuition Of Knowing
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Do Positive Affirmations Work? + Eric Ajna
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
Thursday Dec 01, 2022
I get it, what's not to like or admire about affirmations, especially positive ones. I mean, why wouldn't we want to keep such a positive voice nearby in the instance that we fall short on any given day? Especially when he have big dreams of living an abundant life full of love, joy and all the things these self help gurus say is possible when we begin believing in our own power to manifest the life we desire. And while the practice of incorporating positive affirmations into our every day life does come with many noticeable benefits, it's important to not lose sight of the reasons we need them in the first place. Not using affirmations as a way to trick us into believing something we don’t fundamentally feel might be the best place to start.
Join me in this solo cast as I take a deep introspective look at whether positive affirmations work, and whether we can use them in a way that is genuine, sincere and true to the person that we are.
In this episode I discuss,
- What are affirmations?
- How affirmations are used?
- Do affirmations work?
- How Ego & Self See Affirmations?
- Affirmations & Narcissism
- Truth vs Belief
- The Truth About Affirmations
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Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com