Divine Nobodies is a modern twist on new age spirituality, hosted by Eric Ajna. Intertwined between the polarity realms of our world, here we explore how thought provoking wisdom and soul expanding knowledge can be used in our every day life and heard from the voices of regular every day people in the spiritual community. From urban yogis, to modern mystics, here we explore how we can integrate and apply new age thought to our own spiritual and emotional development. Weekly interviews with social media influencers, astrologers, life coaches, light workers etc. Special segments relating to well being, emotional health, self help and relationships.

Thursday Nov 10, 2022
The Mastery Of Mediumship + Candice Rebollo
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
It’s always such a blessing to share space with thought leaders and light workers who carry a type of unfettered charisma for their practice. It places the energetics of the spiritual journey into a clear focus and allows us to get lost in the passion someone shares for love, life, magic, mysticism and healing. That's certainly one thing “and there are many” things we absolutely loved about our guest Candice Rebollo.
There are many seekers/teachers on this path that share a mutual passion for their work. Though Candice had the charisma and drive of a sage embarking on a journey to change the world. Speaking to us from the calm and tranquil region of Tulum Mexico, she shares her journey as a medium, a healer and a light worker on the quest to help up illuminate the often hidden strengths we carry underneath our own traumas. Join us as we explore the deepest realms of spirituality from the perspective of a true medicine woman.
In this episode we discuss,
- Candice's Journey Into Mediumship
- The Dynamics of A Mediumship
- Ego vs Psychic Messages
- Children & Mediumship
- Tap Into Your Own Psychic Gifts
- Psychic Animal Communication
- The Difference Between Cats & Dogs
- Overcoming Issues Of Self Worth
- Overcoming The Fear Of Being Seen
- The Art Of Breath-Work
- Becoming A Clear Channel
- The Practice Of Abundance
- Types Of Spirits In The Psychic Realm
Guest Bio :
Candice Rebollo is a Woman’s Abundance Seer & Certified Psychic Medium. She helps her clients to embody their femininity, surrender and thrive. She has been studying child and human development for 20 years. She’s also studied Somatic Therapy and is a “walking in your shoes” facilitator. She travels the world holding breath work events and transformative retreats.
Guest IG : candicerebollo
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Our mind is a phenomenal tool when used correctly. Though, our interpretation of what we consider “correct” can vary depending on societal norms, cultural institutions and popular culture. Much of what we are taught about how to use our mind rests in our societies continued efforts in indoctrinating its people to be contributing members to society through means of materialistic intelligence. It’s no surprise then that we develop such a complex yet hard-nosed system of beliefs about how to efficiently operate in society. I mean, it’s quite literally programmed into our hardware at the start of this 3 dimensional video game we’ve all been playing.
At a certain point in our spiritual journey we realize that we came to the door of awareness with a mind hardwired to believe the things it tells itself. When the spirit works so intimately close to an ego at such a young age, we can easily fall into a very innocent trap of mistaking our divinity with the random circumstances that happen in life that bring about feelings of happiness or pain . One symptom of this misunderstanding rests within how we communicate with ourselves and the beliefs we hold as a result of the happiness we encounter or the suffering that we impose on ourselves.
The mind is a phenomenal tool when used for means of survival, though it does have a tendency to grasp at beliefs in an effort to organize a type of image for us to find security in. When we look deep enough, we find that much of what we tell ourselves about life is limited to how we feel about it, and this feeling is largely dependent on external forces not always within our control. When life is going well, we formulate an inward narrative that communicates that we are happy. Yet, when life isn’t going well, we initiate entirely different narratives that communicate worst case scenarios for ourselves. Ironically, these negative impulses are the messages ego tends tends to grasp onto the most, and it is because of this, we tend to lead ourselves down a very arduous path of chaotic emotional turmoil that we usually define as “suffering”.
In this episode I explore this idea we have of suffering, and whether or not it is hardwired into existence as an inevitable fact. Or whether suffering exists as a conceptual belief that we’ve all just accepted as a part of our experience.
In this episode I discuss,
- The Illusory Truth Effect
- What is Suffering?
- Why we Suffer?
- Does The Body Suffer?
- Is Pain Connected To Suffering?
- Is Life Suffering?
- Reflections On Mercury Retrograde In Libra
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
In Memory Of A Friend + Learning From Loss
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
Tuesday Sep 20, 2022
There are so many things we are equipped to feel through in life. Some trivial and some serious. We are often subject to situations or challenges that test the boundaries of what we are able to handle both emotionally and spiritually. We can lose our jobs, witness the ending of a relationship we’ve invested so much of ourselves into, we can find ourselves in heated conversations with those who share contrasting viewpoints on life. All of which seem hardwired into the human experience, and as difficult as it may be to experience these situations, they often teach us very valuable lessons about the world in which we live.
Collectively, these seem to be situations we tend to find our way through. Though, when it comes to abruptly losing someone we love through illness, we are seldom prepared to feel the grief, sadness and heartbreak of such an event.
The irony of death is that it is an integral part of our humanness, yet we deliberately deny its existence in our every day lives, and with good reason ; mostly. Of course, it doesn’t seem productive to spend our days contemplating the inevitable, though it can be harmful for us to pretend that it doesn’t exist in a reality where it very much does. So what is the solution? It seems a much larger conversation needs to be had of how not to deny death, but to develop a somewhat healthy understanding of why it exists.
I had a dear friend pass away from cancer 5 years ago. A friend that none of us would have ever imagined would leave our world so abruptly. A day prior to recording this episode his partner held an anniversary event to share a book of short stories that she had published as a way to commemorate his legacy and passing. In this episode we reflect on the book, the stories shared within the book and the teaching he left behind for all of us. This episode is in memory of our dear brother Harvey Perez.
In this episode we discuss,
- The Super Buck Moon
- In Memory Of Harvey Perez
- How Death Affects Our Life
- The Legacy Our Loved Ones Leave Behind
- How To Grieve Loss
- Eric’s Short Story About Harvey
- Developing A Healthy Relationship To Death
- The Role Of A Bodhisattva
- Meditation Of The Flower
Watch Full Video Episode On YouTube :
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
The Life Of A Digital Nomad + Valerie Low
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
Tuesday Aug 30, 2022
My friend Val has always been a truly unique human being. With a heart of gold and the intelligence of a gifted scientist, she's always had this uncanny ability to bring people together through community, love and friendship. We all have that circle of friends we would consider to be the movers and shakers of our lifetime. The ones that seem to be on a mission to bring beauty and love into the world. She always comes to mind. She's the type of person you start a conversation with, and four hours later you still have so much more to talk about. I’ve always admired her courage to follow her dreams and embody her passion. Of course, it makes sense for someone as talented as she is. A few things to note about her,
- She created a non profit called “Yoga For A Cause”
- A repeated supporter of “Cycle For Survival” charity events
- A gifted artist
- A gifted musician
- Helped build the Woogie Stage at Lightning In A Bottle
- Lead engineer for “Cosmic Entanglement” art installation at Burning Man 2022
- Spent Time In Dalai Lamas Temple In India
- Helped support programs dedicated to helping the homeless on Skid Row
- Managed online businesses selling sustainable materials meant to reduce waste.
Long story short, she has a big heart and an even bigger one for the adventurous spirit within that calls each of us to follow our path to love. In this episode we discuss her passion for self exploration and her love for travel. In this episode we discuss,
- The True Beauty Of Burning Man
- The Communal Life Of Transformational Festivals
- Life As A Digital Nomad
- A Girl And Her RV (Interstate Travel)
- A Girl Traveling The World (International Travel)
- The Courage To Be Uncomfortable
- The Self Sustainable Self
- Life In India With The Dalai Lama
- Teaching English To Tibetan Monks
- Relationships On The Road
Divine Nobodies - Full Episode on YouTube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Common Phrases To Avoid In Relationships + How To Nurture Loving Communication
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
There aren’t many things in life that can help illuminate unconscious patterns in the way that relationships can. They’re real, they’re unique and they often take precedence over just about everything that encapsulates the experience of being human. Relationships, if healthy, can grant us access to the most beautiful reservoirs of love and spiritual evolution. However, gaining access to the benefits of a beautiful union don’t always come easy, and of course, we shouldn’t expect them to. A part of what makes a relationship sacred is their ability to test the waters of our spiritual foundations. We can be as ready as we want for love, though when we introduce another human being into the equation, it calls for us to really practice everything we’ve spent years trying to master…….love.
Relationships teach us in a way no other human experience can, and a part of that teaching involves how we communicate with our partners. The tricky thing about communication is that its often quite subjective and varies from person to person. Some people love humor while others love sarcasm. Some crave romantic affirmations of love while others communicate through action. Whatever your love language happens to be, one thing becomes abundantly clear in relationships; Our ability to practice loving communication will largely depend on how two people collaborate with each other in the midst of life’s greatest challenges.
At times, It can be difficult to remain true to our values when we feel triggered by our partners. As a result, we may say and do things that don’t always exemplify our greatest qualities. In this episode, we break down common phrases to avoid in relationships, the impact they make on our relationships and what we can do to change the narrative and focus on a more productive way of communicating our feelings.
In this episode we discuss,
- Jenn’s trip to Red Rocks Colorado
- The Man In The Supermarket
- Eric Crafting Orgonite Again
- Common Phrases To Avoid In Relationships
- We Vs. Me Mentality
- The Growth Mindset Of A Relationship
- How To Build And Not Tear Down
- Healthy Phrases To Use In Relationships
- Knowing When To Let Go
Divine Nobodies on YouTube: (Full Video Episode)
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Ego Hears + Heart Listens (The Art Of Mindful Listening)
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
When we think of listening to someone or something, we often approach it in a fairly practical way. There is sound and there is someone there to listen to it. Easy enough right? Yes and no. At the most fundamental level we acknowledge how important it is to be able to hear, but what if the act of listening is something different? For example, when we are sitting with a friend and engaged in conversation, do we listen to their words or do we hear them? How we answer this will largely depend on how present, aware and receptive we are to not only the world outside, but to ourselves. Mindful listening starts with you. Of course, this doesn’t mean to just sit and listen to the ongoing narrative we have going on in our mind at all times.
Mindful listening is something different. Mindful listening involves using silence, space and the presence of our environment as away ground the ego and illuminate the spirit within. When we can practice listening to the subtle vibrations of our own awareness, and stay within that feeling, we eventually discover our own ability to observe the innocence and beauty in everything without the ego’s typical habit of narrating our experience. When we can stop the chatter and unlock the heart, then we can begin listening to others in a way that is loving, receptive and most of all compassionate. Let’s talk about the art of listening!
In this episode we discuss,
- Jenn Gifts Eric A Main Coon Cat
- Yayoi Kusama’s Infinity Room
- Jenn’s trip to New Orleans
- Eric’s Experience With Hearing Loss
- Learning How To Listen Through Silence
- Mindful Listening
- Hearing vs. Listening
- How To Listen When Alone
- How To Listen With Others
- Creating Boundaries Around Listening
- Listening’s Connection To Love
Full video episode on YouTube: Available 7/28
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Friday Jul 15, 2022
How To Not Be Triggered By Toxic People + Eric Ajna
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Have you ever found yourself lodged in a conversation with someone you would consider toxic? Whether in a committed relationship or with a friend or family member, we’ve all experienced what it's like to engage in verbal gymnastics with these types of people. They often leave us drained, confused and wondering whether or not we are the crazy ones contributing to the madness. Whatever the cause, typically the outcome is always the same. We can leave feeling hurt, angry and just as toxic as them at times. In this solo cast, I invite you to take this journey with me in discovering another vantage point we can use when we find ourselves in these types of situations.
In this episode we discuss,
- How To Communicate With Toxic People
- Developing Awareness With Language
- Understanding The Utility of Language
- The Language Of Love and Ego
- The Radio Of The Body and Its Stations
- Tuning Into The Right Frequencies
- How To Not Identify With Toxic Projections
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Roe V. Wade & The Issue With Christian Fundamentalists
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Although I don't typically wax poetic about political issues openly, I feel that it is our responsibility as light workers to bring these issues of spiritual dogma to light.
For years, and often against our will, we are conditioned to believe that God is vengeful and that we are born sinners without the merit or justification for deserving that title; and the megalomaniacal ideologues that believe that judicial laws "largely instigated by men" are divinely inspired by God, have been largely at the helm of this religious war against its own people.
To say that they are pro life, yet refuse to offer universal healthcare to families in need.
To say that they are pro life, yet invest little to no energy in making sure children can attend school without getting shot.
To say that they are pro life, yet invest little to no money in support of families trying to make a living in a world crippled by inflation.
To say that they are pro life, yet refuse to raise the minimum wage while doing nothing to combat inflation.
To say that they are pro life yet take no accountability for the emotional wounds suffered by soldiers returning from war, is insanity.
There is absolutely no love or God in this; and it's imperative that we play our part in illuminating the hypocrisy of their world.
Watch Full Video Episode On YouTube:
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Joe Dispenza’s Progressive Retreat In Colorado
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
Tuesday Jun 14, 2022
There are several spiritual teachers that Jenn and I have grown very fond of through out the years. Some have played integral roles in our evolution since the very beginning. All of which have illuminated a path forward into spiritual awakening. One beautiful thing to appreciate about spirituality is how diverse it can be in terms of proficiency. Whether you’re dipping your toes into the water of enlightenment or jumping head first into bliss with no parachute, this journey has guides carefully crafted to suite whatever level of dedication you happen to find yourself in. Some seekers gravitate to the more fiercely honest Hindu sages like “Sri Ramana Maharshi” or “Jiddu Krishnamurti”, while others gravitate towards the more grounded teachings of “Eckhart Tolle” or Marianne Williamson”. The beautiful thing about these teachings is they all point to the same place. In the end, it's really about how quickly you want to arrive at awakening. It’s a really beautiful thing to feel so supported by the modern day bodhisattvas we encounter through out life.
In this episode we explore one of Jenn’s most beloved teachers “Joe Dispenza” and a “Heart” Coherence” retreat she had recently attended in Colorado. In this episode she shares her experience sitting alongside Joe and reminisces on all the beautiful wisdom she brought back with her. Jenn and I also catch up on life, memories and a recent camping trip Eric came back from.
In this episode we discuss,
- Camping At El Capitan State Beach
- Run in’s with Wildlife
- Spirit Quests in Jenn’s Backyard
- Joe Dispenza’s Heart Coherence Retreat
- The Teachings Of Joe Dispenza
- How Thoughts Create Your Reality
- Creating New Neural Networks
- Should Kundalini Be Forced?
- The Journey Through The Chakras
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Monday May 23, 2022
The Hidden Depths Of Hypnotherapy + Lauren Bruno
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
When we think of hypnosis, we often think of televised sidewalk performers wandering the Hollywood streets looking for volunteers. You know, the ones willing to miraculously fall asleep within 60 seconds in the middle of a crowded subway station. Thats not at all awkward right? Well, luckily there is a much deeper and more profound context for hypnosis that isn’t tied to entertainment. They call it Hypnotherapy, and no it won’t have you on one foot barking like a dog with your eyes closed. That is of course, unless you’ve had a past life as an animal.
Hypnotherapy is both mysterious and esoteric ; and speaks to a side of us that is deeply curious about the hidden potential of our spiritual journeys. If you’ve been on your path for sometime, at some point you’ve pondered the idea of past lives. Especially as our understanding of reincarnation begins to take precedence over a limited christian belief system that we are only granted one life to live; the idea of past lives start to make more sense. But how do we gain access to these past lives? This is where Lauren Bruno comes in.
Lauren is a hypnotherapist licensed with the Hypnosis Motivation Institute. A large part of her work involves being a guide to those looking to explore the inward depths of their own past. Both in this life, and in past lives. The beauty of this practice lies in its ability to help us identify and heal past traumas, to not only understand ourselves, but to understand what also influences us at the deepest levels of our subconscious. In this episode we sit down with Lauren to discuss many topics related to hypnotherapy and her own spiritual journey!
In this episode we discuss,
- Lauren’s Near Death Experience
- What is Hypnotherapy?
- Conscious vs. Subconscious Brainwaves
- Accessing Akashic Records via Hypnotherapy
- Releasing Fears & Trauma
- Journeys Into Past Lives
- Healing The Witch Wound
- Jenns Past Life Dream
- Astral Projection Fears
Full video episode on YouTube:
Guest Bio: Lauren Bruno has over 1000 hours of education, training, and experience in hypnotherapy and self-improvement. She holds a diploma in hypnotherapy from the nationally accredited Hypnosis Motivation Institute along with multiple certifications in therapeutic imagery, and hypnosis for anxiety, and past-life regression.
Guest IG: https://www.instagram.com/hypnolution/
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com
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