Divine Nobodies is a modern twist on new age spirituality, hosted by Eric Ajna. Intertwined between the polarity realms of our world, here we explore how thought provoking wisdom and soul expanding knowledge can be used in our every day life and heard from the voices of regular every day people in the spiritual community. From urban yogis, to modern mystics, here we explore how we can integrate and apply new age thought to our own spiritual and emotional development. Weekly interviews with social media influencers, astrologers, life coaches, light workers etc. Special segments relating to well being, emotional health, self help and relationships.

Tuesday May 03, 2022
Tuesday May 03, 2022
As humans we often experience many challenges in life that can alter the trajectory of certain unconscious patterns that we have. From the spiritual perspective, these challenges seem to be worked into the fabric of awakening. At first, these challenges can be perceived as a largely negative series of events leading us down dangerous paths in our lives ; and often, we make the decision to take these paths. The unfortunate thing is that some people fall victim to circumstance while others find ways to transcend their trauma. One thing is for certain; whether we take the path of least resistance or the path of resistance, we are always given the opportunity to use each experience as a way to awaken from the illusion of our own unconscious patterns. This was certainly the case with Lizzie.
Lizzie Luna is a personal friend. One I’ve known for more than a decade, and if you’ve ever shared space with her you’d quickly learn how gentle, sweet and loving of a person she is. However, one thing that I didn’t know about Lizzie is that she struggled with addiction for many years prior to meeting her. It’s true that Ive only known her as the beautiful person that she is. She’s an artist, tarot card reader, animal rights activist and living proof that you can emerge from the ashes of your own trauma and come out on the other side with enormous amounts of love in your heart.
This is the story of how Lizzie overcame meth addiction through art, tarot and an otherworldly connection with a one legged chicken named Frida!
In his episode we discuss,
- Eric & Lizzie’s friendship
- The Birth Of A Meth Addict
- Doing Meth For the First Time
- 30 Days Of Prison
- Addiction Recovery
- Saved By Art
- The Homeless Epidemic
- The Symbolism of Oracle and Tarot
- The Intention Behind Readings
- Tarot As A Tool
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com
Guest IG : https://www.instagram.com/technicolordreams/

Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Attachment Theory : Exploring The 4 Attachment Styles
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
Tuesday Apr 19, 2022
It feels natural for us to seek out feelings of love and emotional intimacy, both within and with others. As humans we are hard wired for connection and feelings of belonging within our collective tribes. Although the inherent energy of love appears quite natural, there is still a delicate balancing act that occurs when our spirits decide to incarnate onto earth. A balancing act between our spirit and the natural human counterpart we call ego. This involves learning how our spirits collaborate with not only our emotions, but with others. Incidentally, when the forces of awareness and ego aren’t properly integrated, we leave ourselves open to many challenges in relationships.
At a young age, our parents are typically the main contributing factors to us learning how to navigate through life. Consciousness is an extremely complex energy that moves in all directions, and so it becomes important to develop life lessons that can ground our energy in this dimension. These lessons are of love, compassion, survival, wisdom and intuition. The hope is that our parents influence the healthy establishment of these energies, however, this isn’t always the case; especially when it comes to how we love others.
The role of attachment styles is to give us a glimpse into how our childhoods may have contributed to how we love both in romantic relationships, and in platonic friendships. Understanding our attachment styles can help us determine how independent or codependent we are in relationships, thus giving us a clear look into whether are not we are capable of truly loving another human being without wanting to posses them or leave them responsible for our happiness.
In this episode we explore the 4 main attachment styles as researched and discovered back in the 1950’s by John Bowlby in his work with “Attachment Theory”. Jenn and I will also discuss our personal attachment styles and the role our childhood may have played in them.
In this episode we discuss,
- Intro Topic: The Will Smith & Chris Rock Beef
- What is Attachment Theory
- The 4 Attachment Styles
- “The Strange Situation” Research Study
- How Parents Influence How We Love
- Attachment Styles As Adults
- How Attachment Styles Affect Relationships
Full video episodes on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
The Rise & Grind of Hustle Culture
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
Wednesday Apr 06, 2022
It’s true, if you’re alive in 2022 then by default you’ve either voluntarily or involuntarily knighted yourself as a “hustler” at some point. Not to get too 3D on everyone but we are all a part of one of the most confusing times in our human history………financially. A time when exiting the womb essentially means taking on a job you likely don’t resonate with, helping your single parent survive by either consoling their troubles at 13 or dropping out of college in an effort to collaborate with your family on rent.
Whatever your struggle is or has been, we all have them ; and In an effort to mitigate the mundane world of the 9-5, we continue striving for a life and a world more like the one Barbara Marciniak talks about in “Bringers Of The Dawn”. A world where we can collectively co exist amongst our pleasures and passions. A world where we can fulfill our moral obligation to meaning and love. Though, how we “reach” for this reality will determine how graceful or chaotic our journeys will be in getting there.
One thing is for certain on this path. We can’t keep our feet too far off of the ground, especially when the responsibilities of adult hood are far too real for most people. Perhaps this is where balance plays an integral role in cultivating our dreams, passions and preserving our emotional well being. Many of us would love to completely renounce our career to live the life of a nomadic blogger traveling the world. Though not every person has the luxury of completely starting fresh, though hustle culture seems to lend itself as a good starting point for some.
The subject of “hustle culture” is a touchy one. Why? Well, because there is realistically an aura of “hustle” we’ve all been conditioned to co-exist with on a daily basis. It seems worked into the curriculum of our western world. Which is something we’ve traditionally yielded as a necessary evil. Though, it’s so engrained in our culture that its’ quickly become somewhat of a status symbol for some, and a deeply personal one for many.
In this episode we explore the many dynamics of hustle culture and the impact that its made on our world, the way we think of the work we do, and whether or not we can engage with this subculture of self help without completely short circuiting our creative flow.
The idea of hustle isn’t intrinsically a negative thing. However, your emotional wellbeing, sense of self worth and commitment to your own passion, can often times determine whether or not you’ll be successful in the hustle. Some of the most important questions we can ask ourselves is “Why are we doing what we are doing?” and “Is what we are doing bringing joy and happiness into our lives?” If you answered yes to happiness, then perhaps it never has to be looked at as a hustle. Perhaps when we love what we do, it all becomes play. It's important to discover your "why".
In this episode we discuss,
- The Origin Of Hustle
- The Rise Of Hustle Culture
- The Billion Dollar Industry of Self Help
- Self Help’s Relationship to Vulnerability
- Finding Your Why
- Passion Vs. Hustle
- Our Neurological Addiction To Improving
- Fake Guru’s : The Wolf & The Sheep
This episode is sponsored by :
Happy Hippo Herbals | www.happyhippoherbals.com
“Premium Lab Tested GMP Approved Kratom Leaf Powder & Extracts”
(Enter Promo Code “DIVINENOBODIES” at check out for 15% your order)
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Our Relationship To Suffering + How To Transcend It
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Tuesday Mar 22, 2022
Our relationship to suffering is quite complex. It adds a quality to life that seems built into the fabric of our three dimensional reality. And although it appears within the backdrop of many things we experience; we continue developing an aversion to it at all costs. Why? Well, it seems to encompass many parts of the human experience we would rather not participate in.
Suffering seems to find its way into literally everything. Every emotion, every heart break, every unfortunate loss of someone we love and even moments when we experience joy knowing that it may not last ; and despite our best efforts, it seems to enter into our field in moments where we are at our most vulnerable. We often spend years trying to resist the clutches of suffering, until one day we realize how imperative it is that we stop resisting it.
Have you thought about how suffering feels in the body and how it speaks to you? Have you thought about why you suffer and for what reason? From the spiritual perspective there appear to be two choices we have in each moment. We can continue resisting it or we can use the feeling of suffering as an opportunity to learn about all the ways in which we cause it. All we need is enough courage to look inward and sit with all the lessons it has to teach us. It starts with you. It may sound a bit strange, but if lasting joy and happiness is what you seek; learning to understand your suffering could lead you to the path of finding it.
In this episode we discuss,
- What is suffering?
- Why we suffer?
- The dynamics of desire
- Humanities aversion to change
- Created in the image of God
- Suffering and the pandemic
- The experience of enlightenment
- The practice of acceptance
This episode is sponsored by :
Happy Hippo Herbals | www.happyhippoherbals.com
“Premium Lab Tested GMP Approved Kratom Leaf Powder & Extracts”
(Enter Promo Code “DIVINENOBODIES” at check out for 15% your order)
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Monday Mar 07, 2022
Into The Light : When Our Pets Transition
Monday Mar 07, 2022
Monday Mar 07, 2022
There’s something beautiful that happens when they come into our lives, even if it’s just for a little while. Our nights seem less lonely, a casual walk becomes a teaching in presence and devotion to something other than ourselves. As long as I can remember there has always been a pet companion somewhere in my life. Whether it be my own or someone else’s, and each time we cross paths with these beautiful animals we always leave with a little more love in our hearts than we initially came with.
It’s easy to forget our pets as having mortal linear paths limited to age and health just as humans, and considering how little baggage they seem to keep with them, we often forget that they aren’t immortal. And as we slowly begin to accept our mortality as we age, it’s hard to believe that our pets and animals age along side of us, sometimes in the most beautiful of ways, but also the most tragic. If there was any indicator of beauty and grace existing in this life, our pets and animal companions would be more than enough proof to point us in the direction of how love moves through life.
One very important question enters into the mind of every pet owner eventually ; why do these companions exist and why did source create them? If we aren’t able to immediately answer this question, we certainly learn the answer through the course of nurturing, loving and letting go of our pets.
In a complex world of ego, self interest, dissolution and shadow, it’s a miracle that these animals can exist alongside of us completely removed and immune from the static we place onto ourselves. Perhaps that is the point. If you’ve ever spent time taking care of a pet or an animal then you cant help but eventually understand the point of this journey we call life. We come to them with heartbreak, loss, sadness and pain, and they come back to us with a simple and unconditional love not often offered by people without condition.
Perhaps that is the teaching. Our animals can be the one and only guru some of us really need in life; and that is the irony. Salvation and love doesn’t always come in the form of a silent retreat in Tulum or an Ayahuasca journey in Peru. Sometimes it comes in the form of that little friend sitting by your side waiting for you to take them on a walk.
In this episode we discuss the transition of Jenn’s oldest pup Sancho Bear and his recent passing. This episode wasn’t initially supposed to happen, as she was in the midst of feeling through the heartbreak of losing Sancho ; a pet that grew up with her during some of the most challenging and evolutionary times in her life. This episode was one dedicated to healing, remembering, commemorating and honoring her first true love.
This episode is sponsored by :
Happy Hippo Herbals | https://happyhippoherbals.com/#61e681e87ebb4
“Premium Lab Tested GMP Approved Kratom Leaf Powder & Extracts”
(Enter Promo Code “DIVINENOBODIES” at check out for 15% your order)
In this episode we discuss,
- Jenn’s Recovery From Catching COVID
- The Remnants of Mercury Retrograde
- The Passing Of Jenn’s Pup Sancho Bear
- The Legacy Of Sancho Bear
- How Animals Teach Us
- Do Animals Reincarnate?
- Remembering Sancho Bear
- The Synchronistic Passing Of Two Unrelated Pets
Full video episode on YouTube: Available 3/9
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
A Sensitive Heart : Exploring Empaths & HSPs with Sara Nicole
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Wednesday Feb 23, 2022
Nestled in the peaceful solitude of the mountain state Colorado, the contrast of her calmness was immediate and tranquil. There's a certain flow and energy to where I’m from in Los Angeles; one that you typically grow into and evolve with, and it isn’t always easy. As I’ve heard many say, its like being in a toxic relationship with someone we deeply love but know isn’t good for us! Thats LA for you. So when Sara came online, I instantly felt a shift that may have felt quite baseline for her, however was very grounding for me.
You could hear the trees behind her, the faint glow of perhaps a quiet forest in the distance. It made complete sense why she would choose this path for herself and for others. She had a quiet confidence and grace to her cadence that felt warm and wise. Like she’s been here and lived this life before, and is quietly waiting for another opportunity to help others and understand just a little bit more about this life thing before returning to that beautiful magical school bus in the sky.
Sara Nicole is a Life Coach for Empaths and Highly Sensitive People. In this episode we dive deep into a myriad of different topics covering the full expanse of her range in the field of spirituality and metaphysics. Sara is a teacher and true spiritual seeker on the quest to help other HSP and Empaths, evolve!
This Episode Is Sponsored By :
Happy Hippo Herbals | https://happyhippoherbals.com/#61e681e87ebb4
“Premium Lab Tested GMP Approved Kratom Leaf Powder & Extracts”
(Enter Promo Code “DIVINENOBODIES” at check out for 15% your order)
In this episode we discuss,
- The Dynamics Of A “Highly Sensitive Person”
- HSP vs. Empaths
- The Connection Between Trauma, Addiction & Co-Dependance
- The Sacred Sadness
- Mystical Experiences
- How A Near Death Experience Changes Us
- Hospice & Death Doula Work
- Sara’s Journey From Atheist To Spiritual
- HSP Advice For A Hyper Stimulating World
- The Strength of Sensitives In Our World
- The Importance of Nature

Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
The Inevitability Of Change : Lessons From 2021
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
We all tend feel this wave of mixed emotions during the new year. Ones of excitement, love and often sadness. Each year we revel in these feelings again and again in attempt to understand a bit more about ourselves and how we may have showed up that year. But this year, I find myself less interested in trying to solve that mystery. A part of me understands that although we change each and every day, although we are graced with beauty and puzzled with sadness, it is a part of the experience of being human, and it is also the process of letting go of who we used to be in order to welcome who it is that we are in each moment, that truly matters.
The happiness, sadness or love that we may feel during this time are truly powerful gifts to feel, because these emotions contain every and all opportunities for growth and awakening to occur within us. It is the greatest opportunity and gift we can give ourselves when we acknowledge that these feelings exist to help catapult us into perhaps a new era of light. It is in these moments where we cannot hide from the inevitability of change, and so embrace it as a practice.
It is my hope that we all enter into the New Year with deeper truths gained from all which we have let go, from all which we have suffered for, from all we have loved so that we can begin again someone new.
We want to thank all of you who have taught us something beautiful this year. We want to thank sadness, happiness, pain and love for being our greatest teachers; and we want to thank love for constantly reminding us of who we are through our interactions with others, our family, our friends, ourselves.
In this episode Jenn and I explore just a few of the many lessons we learned in 2021. From losing friends we once had, to letting go of old behaviors, to growing into new versions of ourselves that no longer resonate with old versions of ourselves. As the years progress there really is no shortage of opportunities to learn and grow. In the midst of all the change happening on our planet, we are sincerely grateful to still be a part of this beautiful dance we call life, and to explore it along side of our listeners.
In this episode we discuss,
- The Inevitability Of Change
- Letting Go Of Who We Used To Be
- Creating Boundaries
- What We Need Matters
- God As An Experience
- Accepting Age
- Slowing Down
- Spending Time Alone
- Family And Healthy Relationships
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
The Wisdom Of Alan Watts : On Love, Life, Awareness & Zen
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
When we think of spiritual pioneers in the Zen community, we often think of the Thich Nhat Hanh’s, Osho’s and Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki’s of the world. All of which brought a very unique and beautiful perspective of Zen buddhist teachings. The difficulty we often experience in the west is how to accurately translate the mysterious and subtle teaching of Zen in such a way that it doesn’t come across as yet another teaching for the ego to “try” and personify as our own. In this sense, our ability to translate it becomes imperative to understanding it, at least at the beginning.
One Zen teacher we often hear about at some point in our journey is Alan Watts! In many ways, Alan seems to be worked into the fabric of our western spiritual landscape, and for reasons that are pretty obvious. He was one of the only teachers at the time that had the uncanny ability to translate and interpret the teachings of Zen in such a way that appealed to not only a younger audience, but to a vast demographic of seekers here in the west that weren’t at all familiar with it. He had this phenomenal ability to modernize spirituality in such a way that allowed us all to relate to it at a human level. Through a mixture of philosophy and spiritual wisdom, Alan Watts became one of the most profound leaders of our time.
In this episode Jenn I celebrate the sacred teachings of Alan Watts by reflecting on some of our favorite teachings and quotes! You may even get the rare opportunity to hear my Alan Watts impression (still needs a little work, but whatevs). Join us as we take a deep dive into the mind of the master himself, Alan Watts!
In this episode we discuss,
- Who was Alan Watts?
- Eastern Guru or Spiritual Entertainer?
- Silencing The Mind in Meditation
- The Spiritual Dynamics Of Love
- The Tireless Journey Of Chasing Wealth
- Alan’s Thoughts On Psychedelic Medicine
- We Are The Meaning
- The Knower And The Known
- The Relationship Between Life and Death
- Understanding The Tao
- Our Relationship To Nature
- The Art Of Non Doing
- The Inevitability Of Change
- Surrendering To Life
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
How To Collaborate With Life (Tips For Manifesting A Better Day)
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Tuesday Jan 04, 2022
Rituals, we all have them. Whether your a kundalini yoga master rising at 4 am to meet your morning sadhana, or an urban yogi balancing your day between remote work and that daily 12 PM instagram post, we all have our own daily wellness practices that help us cultivate a better sense of wellbeing through out our day!
We live in a wildly productive world and so the expectation to show up for life can come across as a very real dilemma for most of us, especially our ego. In the polarity realms of our world it's important not to go to war against the contrasts of our spirit and ego. One typically wants peace, love and stillness, while the other wants to experience the extrasensory luxuries and challenges that life has to offer. Both equally share real estate within our bodies and so balance is the most important practice we can cultivate to keep both our light and shadow integrated in each present moment. How we show up for these experiences can often determine how each moment manifests in our day to day.
With that said, it’s important that we equip ourselves with a daily practice that helps us feel more connected, to not only our ego and spirit, but also the vast expanse of nature we work in collaboration with every day. Whether big or small; ritual, practice and meditation can help each of us achieve lasting peace while also nurturing our egos with healthy amounts of creativity and pleasure. In this episode Jenn and I share some personal morning, afternoon and evening rituals that help us remain tuned in and integrated through out the day. It’s important to remember that a spiritual practice doesn’t always have to look like a 4 am morning sadhana or a kambo ceremony at a beach front loft in Santa Monica.
Within the substratum of spiritual life, everything can be spiritual if our attention and intention is integrated with each and every moment we find ourselves in. Whether enjoying a glass of tea on your balcony, feeding your animals in the morning or taking a shower. Spiritual practice isn’t so much about "what" you do, but "how" you do it. In this episode we share some practical tips on how to optimize your day and collaborate with life!
In this episode we discuss,
- Morning, Afternoon And Evening Rituals
- Tips For Optimizing Your Day
- How Nature Supports Our Experience
- Life Is The Meditation
- Separating Work From Play
- Listening To The Body
- Zen Rituals Of Non Doing
- The Beauty Of A Sunset & Golden Hour
Full video episode on YouTube: Available 1/5
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
A Grateful Heart : Lessons In Gratitude
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
Tuesday Dec 14, 2021
If each of us created a list of everything we have to be grateful for, how long would it be? One page or two? Three pages or five? What would it contain and how far would we go to openly recognize the things we have to be grateful for? How we answer this question points us to a really important teaching that isn’t always as obvious to us until after we’ve taken the time to really sit with how we’ve answered this for ourselves.
We are often grateful for many things including our homes, friends, family, jobs, but how often do we point this attention inwards and express gratitude for our hands, our eyes, our legs, our ability to hear and so on? How often are we thankful for the trees, the sun, the stars, the moon? One really integral part of expressing gratitude has to do with the type of attention and presence we embody while answering this question for ourselves.
The buddhists often embody gratitude as one of the most sacred and central practices to the dharma. Gratitude is actively used alongside meditation to help them maintain a sense of integration and grounding in each present moment. It allows them to remember how truly connected they really are to nature and all the life surrounding them. In the same way, when we practice gratitude for even the little things, somehow, the seemingly problematic stresses and anxieties in our lives tend to lose their grip on us. Gratitude teaches us how to truly appreciate all of the beautiful mysteries in life, including one we are so intimately connected to; our humanness and our divinity. In this episode we discuss the power of gratitude and what it means to be grateful for life.
In this episode we discuss,
- The Buddhist Perspective Of Gratitude
- Gratitude vs Mindfulness
- How To Cultivate Gratitude
- The Practice of Gratitude
- 10k Joys & 10k Sorrows
- Gratitude For Life’s Challenges
- 7 Buddhist Lessons In Gratitude
- Being Thankful For Nothing
- A Prayer For Gratitude
- The Monk & The Strawberry
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com