Divine Nobodies is a modern twist on new age spirituality, hosted by Eric Ajna. Intertwined between the polarity realms of our world, here we explore how thought provoking wisdom and soul expanding knowledge can be used in our every day life and heard from the voices of regular every day people in the spiritual community. From urban yogis, to modern mystics, here we explore how we can integrate and apply new age thought to our own spiritual and emotional development. Weekly interviews with social media influencers, astrologers, life coaches, light workers etc. Special segments relating to well being, emotional health, self help and relationships.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
The Art Of Losing Your Mind (A Meditation For Life) with Eric Ajna
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
When you think about the practice of meditation, what thoughts come to mind? Do you think about that one hour long binaural beats You Tube video on how to open your third eye using 432 Hz frequencies? Do you think about the work of Robert Monroe and the myriad of Hemi Sync resources available that can allow you to communicate with your guides in the astral realms? Or do you think about that early morning sadhana you share with yourself at 5 AM in the morning before getting up to start your day? One thing is certain ; we all have our own ideas, beliefs, methodology and concepts about what meditation is and how useful it is or isn’t in our every day life.
The practice of meditation is shrouded in equal parts mystery, mysticism and practicality. One can meditate in attempt to manifest a twin flame or soul mate and another can meditate in attempt to end world hunger. The reasons we engage in meditation can be very personal, but also very impersonal. Perhaps that is the beauty of meditation ; it can literally be incorporated into every aspect of our lives. However, meditation hasn’t always won fans amongst the eager minds of spiritual seekers. Why? Well, because it doesn’t always provide the results some are looking for…..at least not at first.
Perhaps some of the confusion around meditation has to do with our understanding of it as a set process of instructions. We often approach the sacred practice of meditation with a largely western mind that is used to asking questions, wanting to know why and wanting solutions to what we perceive to be problems. Could this line of questioning be one main hindrance to us understanding the nature of meditation? Is meditation something that can be understood with the mind? Or is meditation something that is inherently and intrinsically already present within us?
In this episode I break down the elements of meditation by walking you through all the ideas, beliefs and concepts we have that prevent us from experiencing the meditative state. One thing you might discover, is that meditation has little to do with what you do, and has more to do with what you are. In this episode we take a mindful walk through our own minds in attempt to rediscover a truly powerful quality of awareness we all have in common. Let’s take this journey together!
In this episode we discuss,
- Not Your Typical Meditation
- The Ego Wants Answers
- The Nature Of Desire
- The Undoing Of Meditation
- How We Create The Universe
- Meditation And The Breathe
- How To Observe Your Mind
- How To Leave The Mind Alone
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Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Friday Nov 19, 2021
Twin Flames And Soul Mates : Everything You Need To Know
Friday Nov 19, 2021
Friday Nov 19, 2021
It’s such a beautiful feeling when it all happens, though it's often difficult to determine exactly when it does. The second they enter into your field it all makes sense. The sun seems brighter, colors seem more vivid, and the internal camera in our heart turns on and begins recording a story so beautiful, we wish we could watch it on repeat. The songs seem more meaningful and we find ourselves singing to a beautiful chorus we didn’t even realize we knew by heart.
Sounds beautiful right? But is it really that easy? Well, yes and no, and might as well drop a “it depends” in there.
Falling in love is such a mysterious process, but what happens when spirit graces you with the beautiful chaos of a stranger you remember and “know” but have no fucking clue how or why? Throw in the fact that you’ve never met before in this life.
If you’ve been on your spiritual path for sometime, you’ve likely reached the conclusion that life is even more magical and mysterious than you had once thought. Especially when you throw reincarnation into the equation. In an instant, you could be standing face to face with a “someone” you’ve spent countless lifetimes with traveling the cosmos. Sounds a bit woo woo, but anyone that’s ever met a twin flame or soul mate knows how intense of a feeling it is to experience the energetic pull of this person.
The concept of twin flames and soul mates is often a difficult reality to grasp, especially if you’ve never met one before. Its story is shrouded in pop culture memes and overtly romantic instagram posts affirming to us that “one day” it will be our time and our fate to catch our twin flame slipping at the check out stand at Whole Foods. The most difficult and challenging aspect of the twin flame/soul mate conversation is ; trying to accurately convey an energetic and mystical experience with words. It’s like trying to explain a psychedelic trip to a group of orthodox christians. It can be confusing!
This is often why Jenn and I consider the twin flame/soul mate concept, a philosophy. It is an exploration of feeling, emotion and strong intuitive impulses designed specifically for the person experiencing it. We may not be able to explain exactly how it feels to us, but gosh darn it, at least we can help you figure out the differences between the two. In this episode, Jenn and I explore the fascinating world of Twin Flames and Soul Mates…..from our own experience of course.
In this episode we discuss,
- The Origin Of Twin Flames & Soul Mates
- What are Twin Flames & Soul Mates
- How To Tell The Difference
- Signs You’ve Met Your Twin Flame or Soul Mate
- The Truth About Twin Flames & Soul Mates
- Disclaimers And Common Misunderstandings
- Past Lives, Past Lovers
- Soul Mates & Soul Tribes
Watch The Full Video Episode On You Tube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
The Courage To Be You (Life, Love And Divine Masculinity) with Alexxander Om
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
When we contemplate the dynamics of divine masculinity, what does this cultivate in us? Is it a skillset based on a type of endurance we have for life and its challenges? Is it a story engulfed in hero archetypes destined for a victory over the proverbial shadow? Is it as heroic as it appears or is it perhaps as subtle as embodying our highest truth in the midst of an emotional tidal wave moderated by elements of our ego?
The quality of being that makes up divine masculinity is both practical and mystical, and as we explore the realms of this archetype we tend to only scratch the surface of what actually defines a divine masculine man, or even divine masculinity in general.
Our guest Alexxander (Intuitive Business Coach) placed it perfectly into perspective when he shared a metaphor of a the divine masculine being that of a mountain. In contrast to the ethereal flow of the divine feminine’s abundant reservoir of emotions, the masculine foundation is stable, strong and self actualized enough to support her intuitive flow of source energy moving gracefully through life. It may seem obvious that we are speaking of divine relationships, however, the parable of the mountain and the stream can also represent a relationship within ourselves, serving as a call for us to integrate our own divine masculine/feminine energies within us.
Alexxander came into our field as a representative force for the awakened masculine in each of us. From conversations about cultivating abundance to sacred partnerships, Alexxander provides a potent message for life that we can all utilize and practice in the quest for true happiness!
Guest Bio:
Alexxander Om is an Intuitive Business Coach and Entrepreneur from British Columbia.
Alexxander’s main focus is coaching individuals in the remembering of their soul’s purpose and how to access their own intuitive gifts while starting and scaling businesses from their hearts.
Outside of his coaching business, Alexxander founded “Blacksheep Masterminds” and is also the co-creator of “The 6-Figure Wolf Pack”, an online mastermind program for entrepreneurs.
He’s held Director positions in large tech firms, he’s meditated in the mountains of India, and he’s trained with teachers like Tony Robbins, Aubrey Marcus, and Connor Beaton.
In this episode we discuss,
- Alexxander's Awakening & Journey To India
- Embodying The Divine Masculine
- The Nature Of The Divine Masculine Wound
- The Power Of Men’s Groups
- Abundance Work Vs. Manifestation Work
- Divine Compensation
- Integrating Spirituality With Business
- Sacred Partnerships
- Reflections On The Squid Game Series
- The Art Of Being
Full video episode on YouTube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Understanding Anger : The Art Of Cooling The Flames
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
We’ve all been there before; your hearts racing and every thought seems to cascade through your mind like a wave of uncontrollable fuck you’s singing in unison and dancing through your veins in a perfectly choreographed performance art piece directed by David Lynch and produced by every ex that’s ever broken your heart.
In these moments of unadulterated inner conflict, we tend to get our hearts stuck in the VCR of EGO and in result are left with a memory reel of emotional pain playing on repeat and displaying highly pixelated yet barely noticeable memories of our past on the screen of our consciousness, and when we experience this……well, we lose our shit!
Anger is a tricky thing, yet it’s one quality of life that we all have some level of common ground in. It seems that life, in all its complexity and unpredictability, leads the charge in subjecting us to these piercing and often debilitating emotions that come along with being angry. As humans, we face injustice, cruelty, hate and tremendous amounts of confusion at the hands of others along our path. One really important question to ask ourselves when faced with such intensity is “Why do we feel anger and for what purpose does it serve?”
Believe it or not, the exploration of anger appears covertly stigmatized in our culture. Why? Because we often associate it with a much darker aspect in us that we aren’t fully prepared to accept yet have very little issue embodying on a regular basis. When we develop enough courage to explore our anger, we may find that our freedom, salvation and understanding are also there patiently awaiting for us to experience the truth of what we’ve been avoiding.
In this episode we explore the nature of anger both biological and emotional, and what we can do to better collaborate with this emotion when it enters our field.
In this episode we discuss,
- Buddha And The Brahman Priest
- Being Bitchslapped By A Ghost
- The Function Of Biological Anger
- The Nature of Emotional Anger
- Response vs. Reactivity
- The Simplicity Of Buddhist Practices
- An Urban Meditation For Cooling The Flames
- The Art of Presence Amongst Conflict
- Understanding Our Resistance To Anger
- Anger : One Of Our Greatest Teachers
- Overcoming The Ego’s Narrative
Full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Embracing The Goddess with Grace Om
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
There was a calm confidence to her cadence. She was a soft yet profoundly powerful movement of graceful presence and unshakable courage; and when she spoke you could feel the sincerity in her words and the humility in her voice.
For years Jenn and I have contemplated the dynamics of what makes something beautiful. Beauty is such a mysterious force, yet we attempt to define it in largely superficial ways. Is it a sunset or a memory? Is it a story between two lovers? Is it a first kiss or the warmth of our mothers love? Perhaps it is all of those things, but does it end there? Is beauty something that is illuminated through a series of experiences?
The powerful thing about beauty is that to understand it, it seems we must undergo many seasons of spiritual and emotional evolution. It seems that every emotion we feel, every joy felt, every heart break, every happiness and every sadness experienced, leads us closer and closer to understanding what beauty means. In the end, perhaps beauty falls somewhere in between our struggles and our happiness. Our joy and our pain. Our strength and our softness. Our masculine and our feminine. This is where we felt Grace to be.
In this episode, we sit down with female empowerment coach Grace Ohm as she shares her journey into spiritual awakening, mediumship and what exactly it means to fully embody and embrace the divine feminine goddess within!
Guest Bio:
Grace Om is an emerging and representative force for female empowerment. She is a woman's coach, motivational speaker and summit facilitator for her unique and special brand of wellness "Conscious Queendom". It is a program devotionally dedicated to illuminating the sacred feminine and healing the sisterhood wound. She has dedicated her life to awakening the divine feminine and helping our sisters embody their deepest truth and radiant light. She is also an energy worker, channeler and psychic from British Columbia.
In this episode we discuss,
- Grace’s journey in spiritual awakening
- Calling in her twin flame and partner
- What it means to embody the divine feminine
- Healing the sisterhood wound
- Why women fear each other
- Dreams, astral projection and walk ins
- Learning to accept our shadow
- Our mess is our message
- Divine Feminine Dynamics
- How psychic energy is felt
- Communicating with spirits
Watch the full video episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com
Guest IG: @conscious.queendom
Podcast IG: @divine.nobodies.podcast

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Soul Retrieval : Healing The Fragmented Self
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
There you are, staring into their eyes as they convey words that you never thought you would ever have to hear let alone feel; and in that moment you wonder whether your dreaming or whether gravity pulled the eject button on your heart as you see the fragments of it floating away in all directions as he/she leaves the room, and your life forever.
What do you do when your heart breaks into a million pieces? Where do these pieces go; And where do we even begin to find them? In the moment of a break up we become so consumed by what ifs that we don’t even realize how much of ourselves we leave in these moments of despair. One part of you is left in the bed where you used to make love, another part of you is left in the memory you have of the first time you kissed. Its surreal how loving memories that once made you feel loved, can quickly transform you into a living embodiment of the ten of swords in the tarot; and just like that, you have hundreds of pieces of your soul thrown around and lost in different memories of your past.
This is just one example of how we leave certain aspects of our soul in traumatic experiences. Whether it’s the death of a loved one, emotional/physical abuse or an experience of physical pain during a car accident; we’ve all experienced what it's like to lose a part of ourselves in something or someone else. When we leave certain aspects of our spirit in these memories we can often feel fragmented, lost and afraid of living the life we deserve to live. This episode is about what we can do to retrieve these pieces of ourselves, so that we can live the life we truly deserve.
Soul Retrieval in an ancient Shamanistic practice stretching over 40,000 years and practiced all over the world. In this episode we discuss the dynamics of Shamanism and the powerful and sacred practice of Soul Retrieval.
In this episode we discuss,
- What is soul loss
- How we experience soul loss in life
- What is soul retrieval
- Is soul loss meant to protect us
- To shaman or not to shaman
- Methods of soul retrieval
- Feeling vs resistance to trauma
- Tribalism and community
- Shamans & sound healing
Watch Divine Nobodies Episode on You Tube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Transcending The Ego And Awakening The Self
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
What if I told you that you typically co exist with another element of yourself on a daily basis? Doesn’t sound too spooky right? That is, unless you aren’t entirely aware of it. Most if not all people work alongside of a shadow element of their psyche that influences most of their day to day behavior. No need to fear though, because this conceptual self is moderated and nurtured entirely by you!
If you’ve been on your spiritual journey for sometime, eventually you come across the infamous shyster we all know as the Ego. So what it is the Ego and why does every awakened spiritual seeker seem to want to catch it in a dark alley and beat its ass? Well, because the Ego has proven to be quite a destructive force in our world. Why? Because many of us have no idea how much power it has over our lives. When we begin on our journey it seems to be the one force that takes the initiative to obscure everything we understand about ourselves and God, while simultaneously claiming to be God at the same time.
The ego may be one of the greatest paradoxes we ever experience, because it lodges itself right in between our spirit and the life we live; whispering crazy shit into our ears as we take on seemingly difficult and monumental tasks in life. However, as tricky as it seems to be, the chaos surrounding the ego isn’t perpetuated purely by itself. We most often encourage its behavior by not entirely understanding what it does, why it does and for what reason.
In this episode, we discuss the nature of the ego and how we can develop a better understanding of it, so that perhaps eventually we can stop going to battle against it, and find peace.
In this episode we discuss,
- The Nature of the Ego
- What Is Toxic Ego
- What Is Healthy Ego
- Observation Vs Identification
- Practicing Mindful Awareness
- Is Ego The Enemy
- Can Ego Be Destroyed
- Developing A Relationship To Ego
- Ego Integration With Spirit
- People without an inner monologue (a study)
Watch Divine Nobodies Episode on You Tube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Saturday Sep 11, 2021
The Pursuit Of Meaningful Work (Manifesting Success)
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
Saturday Sep 11, 2021
What do you get when you place two air signs into a room waxing poetic about the puzzling enigma of professional work? Well, you get something like 50% utopian idealism blended with 50% real world wisdom extracted from what intergalactic aliens are now calling "The Tijuana of Space" otherwise known as Earth! In this episode we explore the complex 3D generated spiritual training ground we call professional work!
Whether you're a light worker laboring under the guise of a typical 9-5 job pretending not to be awakened, or a fully actualized bodhisattva of Instagram; the question of work seems to have taken a permanent sanctuary in the complex of our collective world and with good reason. The question of work is a tricky one, though it often lends itself to being one of the most potent teachings we have to learn from in terms of self discovery and how we find meaning in life. It is that one question that seems to haunt us as we go through out our lives in the pursuit of meaning.
One quote comes to mind "It is a luxury to pursue what makes us happy, but it is a moral obligation to pursue what is meaningful". In this episode, we discuss how we can find meaning in our work and begin nurturing the most passionate parts of our souls that crave the unknown and unpredictable dimensions of love and creativity.
If your feeling lost in your 9-5, this episode may help you recalibrate and collect all the pieces of yourself you’ve left scattered through out life in the pursuit of meaning.
In this episode we discuss,
- Zen stories for life
- Is success the key to happiness?
- Our relationship to resistance
- How millennials are reshaping the workplace
- The nature of creativity
- Happiness vs meaning
- How ego supports & also sabotages success
- Creativity vs imitation
- Finding passion through self discovery
- Finding source through creativity
- Creativity : Our conversation with God
Watch Divine Nobodies Episode on You Tube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: info@divine-nobodies.com
Booking: booking@divine-nobodies.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Starseeds & Alien Civilizations (Everything You Need To Know)
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Sunday Aug 29, 2021
Hello earthlings! My name is Eric CP311X3 from planet Arcturus speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation Of Light, and I’ve come to deliver an extremely important message to you and your new age starseed cronies! Wait, what? We’ve all been there, your at the annual light workers symposium at the Hilton Inn in Manhattan Beach CA and someone dressed up as a psychedelic Han Solo from Star Wars approaches the podium to deliver a stark warning to humanity about the future of our planet. He closes his eyes, takes a few deep breathes and suddenly the man we all once knew as Travis is replaced by Cepheus of the high council of Andromeda!
Jenn and I have always been huge advocates for channeled messages. Aside of the typical existential spookiness we sometimes encounter with these messages, we find them quite useful in helping us gain perspective about life, the universe and ourselves. Love can unveil itself in so many mysterious ways on our planet, and so we always want to keep an open mind along our journey. I’ve always had an affinity to various elements of the “Starseed” phenomena. If you’ve read books like “Bringers Of The Dawn” or “We Are The Arcturians”, you really cant help but feel that there may be something much bigger happening on our planet that many people aren’t immediately aware of.
From dreams of past lives, to mysterious interactions with unknown beings in the astral realm, to casual encounters with alien entities during a plant medicine ceremony, there seems to be something to this whole “starseed” thing. As we approach one of the most volatile times in our human history, it seems that humanity is quickly evolving in such a way that would imply that there really is something more beautiful happening on our planet at the moment, and perhaps we as humans play an even more integral part in that. Whether it be destruction, renewal or utopia, it is these messages of hope from our star families that bring us this sense of higher truth, purpose and hope for our world.
If you’ve ever wondered where your place is in this galactic convergence, its a worthy question to ponder. Why? Well, if we are a part of this universe than we are also alien inhabitants to it. We search the skies looking for signs of alien life without acknowledging that perhaps; we are the aliens. The question then becomes, which one are you and why are you here? In this episode, we break down each known alien civilization and their traits. We also break down the dynamics of a starseed, their role and their collective mission on this planet at this time.
In this episode we discuss,
- What is a starseed
- The history of starseed phenomena
- Are you a starseed
- Types of alien civilizations
- The mission & role of a starseed
- How to know if you are a starseed
- Why we incarnate as starseeds
- What is a hybrid alien starseed
- Starseed disclaimers & spiritual bypassing
Watch Divine Nobodies Episode on You Tube:
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Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: divinenobodiespodcast@gmail.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com

Thursday Aug 19, 2021
When The Heart Speaks (A Journey In Self Love) with Maria Juzwin
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
Thursday Aug 19, 2021
In this episode we share space with a truly exceptional human being, Maria Juzwin. One thing we absolutely respect and admire about Maria is her courage! It takes a truly humble and fearless soul to venture deep into the unknown spaces of the heart in order to master the art of human connection and self love.
We often dance along the surfaces of our pain, hoping to gather pieces of our heart we've left through out our relationships with others and ourselves. At what point are we taught that it's ok to walk through the dark hallways of heartbreak? At what point do we realize that we have the power to overcome and heal our trauma?
One thing is certain; the path to love is a warriors journey, and it is the one and only teaching that will awaken us to the light of divinity inside of our hearts. The question is, what direction will you take to get there?
In this episode, Maria shows us steps we can all take in mastering how we love ourselves and others as well!
In this episode we discuss,
- Maria’s Journey To Self Love
- Soul Mates & Twin Flames
- Learning From Heart Break
- Aloneness vs. Alone
- Life After Divorce
- Feeling Through Emotional Pain
- Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine
- Hooking Up With Exes
- Dating During Covid
- Dating Advice After Break Ups
- The Gift Of Emotional Support
Watch The Full Video Podcast Episode on YouTube:
Divine Nobodies Instagram:
Divine Nobodies on Apple Podcasts:
Contact: divinenobodiespodcast@gmail.com
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com
Maria Juzwin guides starseeds and lightworkers to discover their authentic selves and create lives that are in alignment with their destinies. Having gone through this journey herself, Maria walked away from a stereotypical dream life. She left her marriage, her 6-figure corporate career and moved across the country to a small mountain town. Through her firsthand experience working with the divine and her own inner knowing, Maria learned to embody her true self and courageously creating a fulfilling life. Over the years, she has guided many seekers to recognize and love who they truly are and live into an expansive version of themselves.
Website : Mariajuzwin.com
Instagram: @mariajuzwin
Facebook: @mariajuzwin