Divine Nobodies is a modern twist on new age spirituality, hosted by Eric Ajna. Intertwined between the polarity realms of our world, here we explore how thought provoking wisdom and soul expanding knowledge can be used in our every day life and heard from the voices of regular every day people in the spiritual community. From urban yogis, to modern mystics, here we explore how we can integrate and apply new age thought to our own spiritual and emotional development. Weekly interviews with social media influencers, astrologers, life coaches, light workers etc. Special segments relating to well being, emotional health, self help and relationships.

Monday Nov 09, 2020
Channeling The Akashic Records with Sofia Araya
Monday Nov 09, 2020
Monday Nov 09, 2020
In this episode, a very special guest Sofia Araya (Akashic Records Channel/Life Coach) joins us to share her journey into mediumship and how she learned how to access the Akashic Records. Together we will discuss the various dynamics and practices involved in order to tap into this energetic field which contains the blueprint of our lives past, present and future. She will discuss various ways in which we can enter into this field and extract layers and layers of divine wisdom that we can utilize in our everyday lives. We will also discuss orthodox Christianity/Catholicism and the cultural disconnect we experience in our modern times when approaching fundamental religion. Lastly, Sofia gifts us with a very special and unique "Live Channeling" of the Akashic Records for both hosts of the Divine Nobodies Podcast and also the listeners. Definitely, one of our favorite guests!
You Tube:

Sunday Nov 01, 2020
The Nature of Awareness, Heart Coherence and The Social Dilemma
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
In this episode Eric and Jenn discuss the various ways in which the spirit plays victim to the physiological temptations of the mind. Whether it be through drugs, sex or relationships, one thing is for certain; when our egos go unchecked, we become vulnerable to various unconscious behaviors that dampen our awareness and crush our ability to deeply love ourselves, and others.
When we practice mindful awareness of source moderating our existence, we can create space between the divinity inside and the mind body structures that allow us to have and embody this human experience. The key isn’t to eradicate the pleasure centers that help us experience joy, but to work in harmony with the body by maintaining a sense of heart/spirit coherence and tapping into awareness.
We also discuss our recent experience watching the documentary “The Social Dilemma” and segments relating to the world in which todays teens live. Driven by social media likes, follows and audience engagement stats, these artificially generated social matrix structures which have influenced an entire generation of adolescence to fall victim to impossible and unattainable beauty standards, leading to a whole host of psychological issues relating to self esteem, self worth and identity. Yet, if we were to check in with ourselves and remain vigilant and in our awareness, we can begin to see how much of an ego trap this is for ourselves and not fall into the vicious cycle of needing external validation and approval for being human.

Monday Oct 26, 2020
3D vs.5D Consciousness with Sam Kempner (Vibe Tribe Series)
Monday Oct 26, 2020
Monday Oct 26, 2020
In this episode, Eric and Jenn introduce a new series called "Vibe Tribe Series" where they invite friends of the podcast into the studio to join the conversation and contribute to the weeks topic. This months Vibe Tribe Guest "Sam Kempner" (musician, artist, public speaker) stops by the studio as we discuss 3D vs 5D Consciousness.
One theme often comes up in our spiritual community, what exactly does it mean to embody a 3 dimensional consciousness verses a 5 dimensional consciousness? In this episode we lay out the ground work in the most practical and relatable way. Often when we are asleep we become vulnerable to the physiological limitations of the body and the 3 dimensional sphere of feelings and emotions around us in this carbon based platform of matter. This often leaves us overtly chasing superficial things like money, sex, abusive relationships and behaviors that lead us down a path of accumulative karma and unsettled thoughts. However, when we awaken to the intrinsic source energy inside, a newfound awareness enters into our field and suddenly we are able to see how polarizing all of this is. When we approach the understanding that we are infinite and limitless, we embody a peace and tranquility existing independently of the body. When we enter into the 5th dimensional sphere, a grace and love enters our heart where alas we understanding how truly connected we are to source. This episode is about understanding the difference, and how we can re learn how to ascend to the 5D.
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/divine.nobodies.podcast/
Website: http://divine-nobodies.com/
Email: divinenobodiespodcast@gmail.com

Monday Oct 19, 2020
Monday Oct 19, 2020
In this episode, Author and Artist Luke Ollett shares an empowering story about his life which inspired the journey into writing the book "Finding Zoe Through Her Art", which is a true story about his mother who had suddenly passed away when he was 18, and the various pieces of art she had left behind. What started as a way for him to learn more about his mother, became a personal and transformative journey into him finding himself through her art.
You Tube:

Monday Oct 12, 2020
Monday Oct 12, 2020
In this episode, our guest Tyler Rolling (Intuitive Eating Coach) explains how diet culture deeply impacts and influences how we perceive ourselves and our self worth; by encouraging us to identify with not only the curriculum of diets, but whether or not we are able to sustain a program not at all conducive to our spiritual well being.
Diets are systems that tend to bypass the real fundamental issues laying dormant beneath all our anxieties we have about weight loss. When we explore a bit further we realize a much deeper force exists within us, that is inviting our minds to explore the subtleties of spirit and the awareness of self.
When we practice deeply engaging with our awareness we find an emotional underpinning at the helm of every decision we make, and this force is self love.
When we can listen to our bodies from the perspective of spirit, an intuitive impulse begins to guide our hearts to a space where we can be attentive to our spiritual and thus dietary needs. We can then by pass the overtly masculine and rational ideology of diets, to instead embrace the present and listen to what our bodies deeply need; Love!
IG: divine.nobodies.podcast
Website: www.divine-nobodies.com
Guest: tyler.rolling.rd

Monday Sep 28, 2020
Monday Sep 28, 2020
In this episode, Eric and Jenn discuss a Tarot reading each of them received from previous guest Tyler Victoria and Jenn's newfound discovery as a psychic medium. They explore the many facets of mediumship and how these psychic qualities manifest in both of them.
They also explore the realm of 3rd dimensional extraterrestrials and their role in popular culture. They explore Zoo Theory, Fermi's Paradox and the possibility of time travel. Jenn also shares her most recent UFO sighting in Marfa Texas, which can also be seen on our Instagram page and YouTube Channel Episode!
You Tube:

Monday Sep 14, 2020
The Art of Tarot with Tyler Victoria
Monday Sep 14, 2020
Monday Sep 14, 2020
In this episode, Intuitive Channeler "Tyler Victoria" comes by our studio to discuss the wildly mysterious and also misunderstood practice of Tarot! Together we explore the collective impact and relevance of Tarot in our modern world, and how each and every person can tap into this reservoir of information by not only incorporating it into their spiritual practice, but also using it in collaboration with our own inherent psychic and intuitive abilities.
In this episode we discuss the Major Arcana and Minor Arcana of the Tarot and the meanings of cards such as "The Tower", "Death", "Fool", The Hangman". She also shares with us her very unique journey into spirituality and each catalyst that brought her to the place of being the powerful goddess and healer she is!
IG: www.instagram.com/divine.nobodies.podcast/
Email: divinenobodiespodcast@gmail.com
YouTube: Divine Nobodies Podcast

Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
Tuesday Sep 08, 2020
In this episode Eric and Jenn discuss her younger years skydiving and base jumping. With over 2k jumps Jenn has conquered a practice not many people ever get the courage to attempt; primarily due to the fear one feels at the thought of what can go wrong. As we explore her experience, Eric learns how skydiving changed her relationship to fear and has allowed her to access deeper realms in her life. They also explore the mysterious yet fully accessible realm of the Akashic Records. Primarily brought to light by the theosophy society, Egyptians and even Edgar Cayce, they explore the various people impacted by their experience tapping into this realm and steps we can all take to fully access them ourselves! Lastly, they discuss the various types of beings and entities and how we can utilize the frequency of love to by pass the clutches of the 4th dimension, on the way to the Akashic realms!

Monday Aug 31, 2020
Exploring The Masculine with Jameson Rikel
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
In this episode Spiritual Philanthropist Jameson Rikel visits our studio to discuss the various dynamics of Divine Masculinity and how men can embody more of their balanced masculine/feminine energy in all areas of life and relationships.
He discusses the emergent subculture of Men's groups and the medicinal exploration of self in relation to other men. The most imperative quality a man can have in our world, is the ability to feel his emotions while also anchoring in his strength and stability with those surrounding his field.
In contrary to how men are portrayed in our media, a true divine masculine man embodies a perfect balance of masculine and feminine energy. Join us as we explore the various ways in which men can show up for everyone in their lives!
IG: divine.nobodies.podcast

Monday Aug 24, 2020
Embracing Your Shadow with Sedef Culha (Personal Freedom Coach)
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
In this episode, Personal Freedom Coach "Sedef Culha" visits our studio to discuss one of the most powerful yet misunderstood dynamics of light work, "Shadow Work". She provides a very potent perspective and teaching that we can all utilize as a way to feel through these challenging and uncertain times in quarantine. She provides useful guidance and tools we can implement in our lives to help us develop a better and healthier relationship with ego and the shadow living within the depths of our personal and collective experience.
Originally from Turkey, Sedef grew up in a culture where women's rights were not respected nor accepted. Her life's work has been to not only empower women healing through various injustices at the hand of wounded masculinity, but to also assist the collective in healing through our cultural conditionings preventing us from accessing our full potential.
IG: @divine.nobodies.podcast